Golden Jubilee Memorial Library of Nirmala College Muvattupuzha,Kerala
PARIPALANA -Library Club
PARIPALANA -Library Club
If you are a bookworm / a management enthusiast or simply curious about how a library works JOIN US...!
You can enter the world of books while learning how all those beautiful resources are maintained and managed!
PARIPALANA, the library club helps you to understand an add-on subject--library science!
Nirmala College Central Library invites interested students to join the library club.
•Groom young talent into professionals
•Encourage reading among youth
•Instil management skills
•Identify basics of library science
•Review books
•Organize the college library better through its members
•Reading sessions
•Content development for library blog
•Book review sessions
•Exhibit of ‘BOOK FOR THE DAY’
• Special Book exhibitions
• Sorting and processing of library resources
•Conduct of Book Week
• Stock Management
•Learn management skills
•Learn an add on subject –LIBRARY SCIENCE
•Improve IT skills
•Contribute to library development
•Lay foundations of a professional career
•Interact with other bookworms
• Stay up to date with ‘NEWS’ from the literary world
Further details please contact the Nirmala College Central library staff .
Book Review : The Modern Romans: The Decline of Western Civilization
The Modern Romans: The Decline of Western Civilization" is a book that provides a critical examination of contemporary Western society and the forces that are contributing to its decline. The author argues that Western civilization is facing a range of challenges, including political and cultural decay, economic instability, and a growing sense of disillusionment and hopelessness among the population. The book draws on a wide range of historical, cultural, and sociological sources to provide a comprehensive analysis of these issues and to explore the ways in which Western society can address and overcome them. The book is well-researched and thought-provoking, offering a challenging and often controversial perspective on the state of Western civilization.
Nirmala College Central Library Accession Number : 72599
Call Number : 301.63 AMB-M
- Lessons of History Ignored,
- Home: Foundation of Greatness or Decadence,
- Failure of Ancient and Modern Education,
- Religion in Confusion,
- A Mad Craze for Pleasure,
- The Economy in Trouble,
- Political Paralysis,
- Militarism and a 'Calculated Risk'
- The 'Unseen Hand' in History
Book Review : Dalit padanam: swathwam samskaram sahityam (Malayalam) / by Pradeepan Pampirikunnu.
ദളിത് പഠനം; സ്വത്വം,സംസ്കാരം,സാഹിത്യം - പ്രദീപന് പാമ്പിരികുന്ന്
കേരള ഭാഷ ഇൻസ്റ്റിറ്റ്യൂട്ട് ,തിരുവനതപുരം
ISBN 8176385875
- ദളിത് ചരിത്രം
- കേരളം : ജാതി വിരുദ്ധ പ്രസ്ഥാനങ്ങളും ദളിത് അവബോധ സംസ്കാരവും ദളിത് അവബോധ വികാസവും
- ദളിത് സ്വത്വം ജ്ഞാനം ,സാഹിത്യം
- ദളിത് സാഹിത്യം ആധുനികതയും ഉത്തരാധുനികതയും .
Book Review : Glimpses Of Nazraney Heritage’By Prof George Menachery
"Glimpses of Nazraney Heritage" is a book by Professor George Menachery that explores the rich cultural and religious heritage of the Nazraney community, an ancient Christian community from the Indian state of Kerala. The book provides an in-depth look at the history, traditions, and practices of the Nazraney people, and offers insights into the ways in which their cultural heritage has evolved and been passed down from generation to generation. The book draws on a wide range of primary and secondary sources, including historical records, religious texts, and personal narratives, to provide a comprehensive and nuanced understanding of the Nazraney community and its heritage. Professor Menachery's writing style is engaging and accessible, and he presents the complex cultural and historical information in a way that is both informative and entertaining.
Glimpses Of Nazraney Heritage’ By Prof George Menachery
Publisher : South Asia Research Assistance Services,Thrissur,2005
Book Review : ആദര്ശഹിന്ദുഹോട്ടല് / ബിഭൂതിഭൂഷണ് ബന്ദോപാധ്യായ
ആദര്ശഹിന്ദുഹോട്ടല് / ബിഭൂതിഭൂഷണ് ബന്ദോപാധ്യായ,
ബംഗാളി നോവൽ, തർജമ-രവി വർമ്മ
ISBN 8123727340
നാഷണൽ ബുക്ക് ട്രസ്റ്റ്, ഇന്ത്യ
പഥേർ പാഞ്ചാലി'യുടെ കർത്താവായ ബിഭൂതിഭൂഷണ് ബന്ദോപാധ്യായ (1894-1950) വംഗ ദേശത്തിൻറ ഹൃദയത്തുടിപ്പുകൾ ഉൾക്കൊണ്ട എഴുത്തുകാരിലൊരാളാണ്.ജീവിത വൈചിത്ര്യങ്ങളു ടെ നേർക്കു ള്ള വിസ്മയാവഹമായ സമീപനം, പ്രകൃതിയോടുള്ള ആന്തരികപ്രേമം ,സാധാരണ ജീവിതത്തിന്റെ സുന്ദരമായ ആവിഷ്ക്കാരം , മരണാനന്തര ജീവിതത്തെക്കുറിച്ചുള്ള നിതാന്ത കൗതുകം എന്നിവ അദ്ദേഹത്തിന്റെ രചനകളുടെ സവിശേഷതകളാണ്.അദ്ദേഹം സ്വന്തംവൈകാരികാനുഭൂതികളിൽനിന്നു പ്രചോദനമുൾകൊണ്ടു രചിച്ച നോവലാണ് ആദർശഹിന്ദുഹോട്ടൽ.
ഹാജാരി ഠാക്കൂർ എന്ന സാധാരണക്കാരൻ, പാചക കലയിൽ തനിക്കുള്ള വൈദഗ്ദ്ധ്യം കണ്ടും ശുദ്ധഗതി കൊണ്ടും സ്വന്തമായൊരു സ്ഥാനം നേടിയെടുക്കുന്ന കഥയാണ് ഇതിൽ.ജീവിതത്തിൽ അലസത വെടിഞ്ഞു ഊർജസ്വലതയോടു കൂടി, വ്യക്തമായ ലക്ഷ്യത്തോട് കൂടി മുന്നേറി ജീവിതവിജയം നേടാൻ പ്രചോദനം നൽകുന്ന ഒരു കഥയാണ് ആദര്ശഹിന്ദുഹോട്ടൽ.
ആരോടും വില പേശാതെ മല്സരം നിറഞ്ഞ തൊഴിൽ മണ്ഡലത്തിൽ ഉറച്ചു നില്ക്കാൻ വായനക്കാരനെ സഹായിക്കുന്ന കൃതിയാണ് ഇത്.
Adarsha Hindu Hotel
By: Bibhutibhushan Bandopadhyay
Malayalam Translation by Ravi Varma
Nirmala College Central Library Accession Number : 64784
Call Number :8B3 BIB-A
Book Review :The Reader's companion to world literature.
Book Review : എന്തിന് ഇത്രയും കോപം (Enthinu Ethrayum Kopam by N Ajithan Namboothiri )
എന്തിന് ഇത്രയും കോപം (Enthinu Ethrayum Kopam by N Ajithan Namboothiri )
കോപം വരുമ്പോള് വിവേകം നഷ്ടപ്പെടുന്നതിന്റെ ഒരുപാട് ഉദാഹരണങ്ങള് നിത്യജീവിതത്തില് ഉണ്ടാകാറുണ്ട്. പിന്നീട് പാശ്ചാത്തപിക്കേണ്ടിവരുന്ന വിധത്തില് മാതാപിതാക്കള് മക്കളോടും മക്കള് തിരിച്ചും പെരുമാറുന്നതും കോപത്തിനടിമപ്പെട്ടിട്ടാണ്. എപ്പോഴാണ്, ആരോടാണ്, എന്തിനാണ് ദേഷ്യം തോന്നുന്നത്? എങ്ങിനെയാണ് ദേഷ്യം വരുമ്പോള് പ്രതികരിക്കുക? ഇത് മാനസികാരോഗ്യത്തെയും ശാരീരികാരോഗ്യത്തെയും എങ്ങനെയാണു ബാധിക്കുന്നത് ? കോപം നിങ്ങളുടെ ദിന കൃത്യങ്ങളെയും ജീവിത പുരോഗതിയെയും എങ്ങനെ പ്രതികൂലമായി ബാധിക്കുന്നു?
രോഗാവസ്ഥയിൽ എത്തിയ കോപപ്രകടനങ്ങളിൽ നിന്ന് എങ്ങനെ മോചനം നേടാം എന്നിവയെക്കുറിച്ചു ഈ പുസ്തകം. വിശദമായി പ്രതിപാദിക്കുന്നു. ദേഷ്യപ്പെടുമ്പോഴും വീണ്ടുവിചാരം നഷ്ടപ്പെടുന്നതായി പരാതികള് ഉയരാറുണ്ട്. ഏതുതരം കോപമാണ് നിങ്ങളുടേത്, എങ്ങനെയാണ് ഈ കോപത്തെ മെരുക്കുക തുടങ്ങിയ ചോദ്യങ്ങള്ക്കുള്ള ഉത്തരമാണ് ഈ പുസ്തകം.
Nirmala College Central Library Book Acc.No.69298
Call Number :8M4 AJI-E - Malayalam Essays - Anger Management
Publisher : Manorama Books , Kottayam
New Arrivals : General Books
Title |
Author |
Barcode |
Number |
Edasserikkavithakal Sampoorna
Samaharam: Vol.1 |
Edasseri Govindan Nair |
Poorna Publication, Kozhikkode |
72103 |
GOV.E-E.1 |
Edasserikkavithakal Sampoorna
Samaharam: vol.2 |
Edasseri Govindhan Nair |
Poorna Publications, Kozhikkode |
72104 |
GOV.E-E.2 |
Edasserikkavithakal Sampoorna
Samaharam: vol.3 |
Edasseri Govindhan Nair |
Poorna Publications, Kozhikkode |
72105 |
GOV.E-E.3 |
Edasserikkavithakal Sampoorna
Samaharam: vol.4 |
Edasseri Govindhan Nair |
Poorna Publications, Kozhikkode |
72106 |
GOV.E-E.4 |
No Exit and Three Other Plays |
Jean-Paul Sartre |
Vintage Books Inc., New York |
72107 |
842.914 SAT-N |
Cat and mouse |
Grass, Gunter; Manheim, Ralph, Tr. |
Vintage Books, London |
72108 |
Lust |
Elfriede Jelinek |
Serpent's Tail, |
72109 |
If Not Now, When? |
Primo Levi |
Penguin Books, London |
72110 |
853.914 LEV-I |
Invisible Cities |
Italo Calvino |
Vintage Books, London |
72111 |
853.914 CAL-I |
Désert |
Jean-Marie Gustave Le Clézio |
Atlantic Books, London |
72112 |
Security Analysis and Portfolio
Management - CSS MCom - Semester - 4 - MG University |
Sony Kuriakose |
Prakash Publications, Changanacherry |
72113 |
658.152 SON-S3 |
Financial Management B.COM Semester 5
M.G University |
Sony Kuriakose |
Prakash Publications, Changanacherry |
72114 |
658.15 SON-F |
Strategic Financial Management M.COM
Semester 3 M.G University |
Sony Kuriakose |
Prakash Publications, Changanacherry |
72115 |
658.15 SON-S |
Environment Management And Human
Rights: For B.Com 5th Semester Students - MG University |
A P Philip |
Soba Publications Changanassery |
72116 |
363.7 PHI-E |
Environment Management And Human
Rights: For B.Com 5th Semester Students - MG University |
A P Philip |
Soba Publications Changanassery |
72117 |
363.7 PHI-E |
Quantitative Techniques for Business
Fourth Semester B.COM & BBA MG University |
Raju V P |
Calicut University Central Co operative
Stores, Calicut |
72118 |
658.403 RAJ-Q |
Quantitative Techniques for Business
Decisions Second Semester MCOM MG University |
Raju V P |
Calicut University Central Co operative
Stores, Calicut |
72119 |
658.403 RAJ-Q |
The Fundamentals of Bioethics: Legal
Perspectives and Ethical Aproches |
Scaria Kanniyakonil |
Oriental Institute of Religious Studies,
India, Department of Publications of Paurastya Vidyapitham |
72120 |
174.957 SCA-F |
How to use your complexes. |
J Maurus |
St. Paul Society, Allahabad |
72121 |
154.24 MAU-H |
Love and Marriage. |
Gustave Thibon |
Burns and Oats, London |
72122 |
306.70207 THI-L |
Family Life Education: Value
education - a text book for students |
Marie Mignon Mascarenhas |
Bangalore : |
72123 |
370.11 MAS-F |
Marrying Well: Stages on the Journey
of Christian Marriage |
Evelyn Whitehead and James Whitehead |
Image books, Newyork |
72124 |
306.8 WHI-M |
Unencumbered by Baggage: Father Anthony de Mello, a prophet for our
times |
Carlos G. Vallés (S.I.). |
Gujarat Sahitya Prakash, Anand |
72125 |
271.53024 VAL-U |
Emma |
Austen, Jane |
Blue Ribbon Books, New York |
72126 |
Bacon's Essays |
J Lahiri and A L Ganguli |
Lakshmi Narain Agarwal Educational
Publishers, Agra |
72127 |
Fresh Insights Into Contemporary
American Literature |
Gulshan Rai Kataria and T.S. Anand |
Creative Books, New Delhi |
72128 |
810.9 ANA-F |
Flannery O'Connor and the Christian
Mystery. Literature and Belief, Volume 17 |
Murphy, John J.; Hunter Adams, Linda;
Cracroft, Richard H.; Susan Elizabet Howe |
Brigham Young University |
72129 |
813.54 MUR-F |
Abortion: Questions & Answers. |
J. C. Willke |
Hayes Publishing Company, Ohio |
72130 |
363.4 WIL-A |
The Web of our Life |
D. Radhakrishnan Nair and Baby M Varghese |
Cheerthottam Kudumbayogam |
72131 |
378.0092 RAD-W |
Reader's Digest Select Editions-The
Afghan / Sun at Midnight / Echo Park / Messenger of Truth |
Reader's Digest Select Editions |
Reader's Digest Association |
72132 |
813.54 REA-R |
From Cosmos to Theos: Towards a New
Philosophical Theology |
Joseph Mathew |
Media House, Delhi |
72133 |
230.01 JOS-F |
Selected writings of Samuel Rayan, SJ
Vol.1 Jesus the relevance of his
person and message for our times |
Samuel Rayan; Kurien Kunnumpuram |
St, Pauls Mumbai |
72134 |
234 RAY-S |
Management of autonomous colleges |
Varghese Palamattam |
Rajagiri College of Social Sciences,
Kalamassery |
72135 |
378.040954 VAR-M |
Characters Around the Cross |
Tom Houston |
Monarch Publications, Eastbourne |
72136 |
232.963 HOU-C |
In Search of the Divine: New Essays
in Philosophical Theology |
Joseph Mathew |
Jeevan Books, Bharananganam |
72137 |
230.01 JOS-I |
World Famous Serial Killers: the
Shocking Truth About the Most Notorious Murderers the World Has Ever Known |
Colin Wilson and Damon Wilson |
Magpie Books Ltd, London |
72138 |
364.1523 WIL-W |
World famous murders: The Murder of the Black Dahlia and Other
Mysteries |
Colin Wilson |
Magpie Books, London |
72139 |
364.1523 WIL-W |
Mahatma Gandhi and Promotion of Human
Rigths |
Thomas Vithayathil |
University Lateranense Rome |
72140 |
323.01 THO-M |
The Mysterious Powers of the Pendulum |
A.R Hari |
Vasan Book Depot, Bangalore |
72141 |
133.3337 HAR-M |
Willa Cather's spiritual quest
novels: A call for faith and tradition |
Thomas Mathew Pothanammuzhi |
Media House, Delhi |
72142 |
Christ in the East Syriac Tradition:
A Study of the Christology of the Assyrian Church of the East and the Common
Christological Declaration of 1994 |
George Thumpanirappel |
Ephrem's Publications |
72143 |
232 GEO-C |
Perpetual Motivation: How to Light
Your Fire and Keep It Burning in Your Career and in Life: |
Dave Durand |
Better Yourself Books |
72144 |
153.8 DUR-P |
A Course in English Phonetics |
T.R. Kansakar |
Orient Longman Private Ltd, Hyderabad |
72145 |
Love, Youth and Family |
Varghese Paul |
Pauline Sisters, Bombay |
72146 |
261.83585 VAR-L |
Celibate friendship |
Felix M. Podimattam. |
Asian Trading |
72147 |
248.894 FEL-C |
Webster's Spanish-English,
English-Spanish Dictionary |
Webster |
Webster Publishing Co., New York |
72148 |
463.2 WEB-W |
Studies on the Gospel of John |
John Kurichianil |
St. Thomas Benedictine Abbey, Kappadu |
72149 |
226.507 JOHN-S |
Personality Development, : A Work
Book on Attitudinal Transformation |
Rituporna Raj |
Pauline Sisters Society , Bombay |
72150 |
155.25 RIT-P |
The Sower's Seeds: 120 Inspiring
Stories for Preaching, Teaching, and Public Speaking |
Brian Cavanaugh |
Paulist Press,New York |
72151 |
251.08 CAV-S |
Eucharist: Sacrament of the Sacrifice
of Jesus Christ |
Cyprian Illickamury |
Jeevan Books, Bharananganam |
72152 |
234.163 CYP-E |
The Canonical Sources of the
Syro-Malabar Church. |
Placid J. Podipara |
Oriental Institute of Religious Studies,
Kottayam |
72153 |
275.483 PLA-C |
Oriental province of latine rite
religious institute |
Lawrence Thomas Paruhapara |
Jeevan Books |
72154 |
248 LAW-O |
The Celebration of the Holy
Mysteries: A Critical Study of the Eucharistic Treatise in the Exposition of
the Church Services of Pseudo-George of Arbel of the 9th Century |
Francis Pittappillil |
Oriental Institute of Religious Studies,
Kottayam |
72155 |
281.8 FRA-C |
Learn Spanish in a month : easy
method of learning Spanish without a teacher |
Rekha Chawala |
Read well publications ,New Delhi |
72156 |
468.2421 REK-L |
Turn on the Green Lights in your Life |
Robert E. Moore and Maxwell I.Schultz |
Better Yourself Books Bombay |
72157 |
177 MOO-T |
The Happiness of God |
Susan Leslie |
St. Paul Publications, Bombay |
72158 |
282.0924 LES-H |
Quest for the Historical Thomas
Apostle of India: A Re-reading of the Evidence |
George Nedungatt |
Theological Publications in India, Bangalore |
72159 |
Make disciples : Radical Discipleship
in Modern India |
Sister M Hedwig and Fr. Gino Henriques CsSR |
Servent P264ublications India Bangalore |
72160 |
266 HED-M |
Come Close To The Lord |
Lesser R H |
Better Yourself Books, Bombay |
72161 |
264.03 LES-C |
Live with a Better Self-image |
Maurus, J |
Better Yourself Books, Bombay |
72162 |
155.41825 MAU-L |
To Love, to Share, to Serve:
Challenges to a Religious |
L. Patrick Carroll |
St. Paul Publications, Bombay |
72163 |
248.894 CAR-T |
Spirituality for our times with
insights from vatican II and John Paul II |
Thomas J Parayidom |
Asian Trading Corporation, Bangalore |
72164 |
212.6 THO-S |
Through Death to Life |
Sadhu Ittiyavirah |
Schweitzer Institute of Prayer and Research,
Kothamangalam |
72165 |
Encounter With Jesus |
Enas Ottathengumkal |
St.Thomas Offset printers Pala |
72166 |
231.73092 ENA-E |
Commentary on the Whole Bible:
Complete and Unabridged |
Matthew Henry |
Moody Publishers |
72167 |
220.7 HEN-C |
Harmony in science |
Sadhu Ittyavirah |
Schweitzer institute of pryayer and research
,Kothamangalam |
72168 |
530 SAD-H |
Seven Words of Jesus and Mary:
Lessons on Cana and Calvary |
Fulton J. Sheen |
Claretian Publications, Bangalore |
72169 |
232.9635 SHE-S |
Gaze of Joy and Confidence
Meditations with St. Francis De Sales |
Claude Morel |
S.F.S. Publications,Banglore |
72170 |
282.0922 MOR-G |
Father Most Merciful |
Sadhu Ittyavirah |
Sadhu Ittyavirah, Kothamangalam |
72171 |
Power to win |
Walter Doyle Staples |
Magna Publishing Co. Ltd., Mumbai |
72172 |
Study skills in English |
Wallace, Michael J |
Foundation Books Pvt Ltd, New Delhi |
72173 |
Footlights On |
Thomas, E A; George, P J |
Department of Printing and Publishing, M.G
University |
72174 |
English critical text 16th century to
20th century |
Enright, D J; Chickera, Ernest De, Ed. |
Oxford University Press, Bombay |
72175 |
Learning to Lead: Biblical Leadership
Then and Now |
Chua Wee Hian |
Inter-Varsity Press ,England |
72176 |
English Phonetics for Indian Learners |
P Iyadurai |
Jones Publications Madras |
72177 |
American Literature 1890-1965: An
Anthology |
Egbert S Oliver |
Eurasia Publishing House Ltd., New Delhi |
72178 |
Encounters |
Sr.Vinitha |
Roots and Wings ,Thiruvanathapuram |
72179 |
Anointed for others : A Faith
education programme for adults based upon Vatican II 1956 decree |
National Biblical Catechetical &
Liturgical Centre, Bangalore |
72180 |
Placidachan, A Souvenir to
commemorate the tenth death anniversary (April 27, 1995) of Very
Rev.Prof.DDDr.Placid Joseph Podipara CMI. |
Varghese Pathikulangara |
Denha Services,Kottayam |
72181 |
The Odyssey |
Homer; W.H.D. Rouse |
New American Library, New York |
72182 |
Lovable and loving |
Sadhu Ittiyavirah |
72183 |
Herein is Love: A Study of the
Biblical Doctrine of Love in Its Bearing on Personality, Parenthood,
Teaching, and All Other Human Relationships. |
Reuel L. Howe |
Judson Press Valley Forge |
72184 |
How to live 365 days a year |
Schindler, John A |
St. Paul Publications, Allahabad |
72185 |
How to develop personality through
communication |
Abraham Vazhoor |
Loyola Books |
72186 |
How to stop worrying and start living |
Carnegie, Dale |
72187 |
World Famous Ufo: Mysterious
Sightings And Strange Happenings |
Wilson, Colin |
Magpie Books, London |
72188 |
Journey in spirit: retreat talks by
Antony Padiyara |
Antony Padiyara; Antony Chirappanath;
Sebastian Poonolly |
Cardinal Publications, Kochi |
72189 |
Champions in Sports and Spirit |
E D Fitzgerald |
Vision Books, New York |
72190 |
How To Get A Phd : A Handbook For
Students And Their Supervisors |
Estelle Phillips and D
S Pugh |
UBS Publishers & Distributors, New Delhi |
72191 |
Living English Idioms |
Baliga B J |
Paico Publishing House, Cochin |
72192 |
Wisdom of Asia :parables, poetry,
proverbs, stories and epigrams of the Asian peoples |
Baldoon Dhingra |
Hind Pocket Books Pvt. Ltd., Delhi |
72193 |
A Book Of Indian Quotations |
Better Yourself Books, Allahabad |
72194 |
A Dictionary Of Shakespearean
Quotations |
Jehangir R. P. Mody |
St. Pauls Press Allahabad |
72195 |
1001 Famous Proverbs And Sayings |
L S Stephen |
D B Taraporevala Sons & Co Pvt Ltd in
GPO, Mumbai |
72196 |
The hierarchy of the Syro-Malabar
church |
Placid J. Podipara |
Prakasam Publication, Alleppey |
72197 |
The Jews of Kerala |
PM Jussay |
Publication Division, University of Calicut |
72198 |
Religions and Religious Freedom in
India |
A D Mattam |
Media House, Delhi |
72199 |
Wow!: the visual encyclopedia of
everything |
Dorling Kinderley Ltd, London |
72200 |
R 032 DOR-W |
Textbook of English phonetics for
Indian students |
Balasubramanian, T |
Macmillan India Ltd., New Delhi |
72201 |
A guide to patterns and usage in
English |
A. S. Hornby |
Oxford University Press, New York |
72202 |
425 HOR-G |
You can win: A step by step tool for
top achievers |
Shiv Khera |
Macmillan India Limited, New Delhi |
72203 |
I Am Collecting Rainbows: A Study in
Self-integration |
C G. Vallés |
Gujarat Sahitya Prakash, Anand |
72204 |
271.5302 VAL-I |
Everyman's English Pronouncing
Dictionary: Containing Over 59,000 Words in International Phonetic
Transcription |
Jones, Daniel |
Universal Book Stall, New Delhi |
72205 |
JON-E14 |
English Grammer Composition and
Correspondence |
Pink, M Alderton; Thomas, S E |
Cassell & Company, London |
72206 |
PIN-E12 |
A Retreat with Matthew: Going Beyond
the Law ( |
Leslie J. Hoppe |
Claretian Publications, Bangalore |
72207 |
248.9 HOP-R |
Let's love one another |
Sadhu Ittyavirah |
Schweitzer Institute of Prayer and Research,
Kothamangalam |
72208 |
Aging: The Fulfillment of Life |
Henri J. M. Nouwen ; Walter J. Gaffney |
Image Books, New York |
72209 |
305.26 NOU-A |
Love Is All: Conversations of a
Husband and Wife With God |
Bird, Joseph W. |
Image Books, New York |
72210 |
To understand and be understood |
Erik Blumenthal |
Better Yourself Books, Bombay |
72211 |
158.2 BLU-T |
A Lexicon Abridged from Liddell &
Scott's Greek-English Lexicon |
Henry George Liddell and Robert Scott |
Oxford Clarendon Press, Oxford |
72212 |
R 483 LID-L |
Apex The Ultimate Dictionary English
to English Punjabi and Hindi With
Latest and Advanced Grammar |
A P Chopra |
Better Choice Educational Publishers
,Jalandhar |
72213 |
R 423 CHO-A |
A Vademecum of Stories |
Rufino, Mauricio |
St.Paul Publications ,Bombay |
72214 |
Familiar Quotations: A Collection of
Passages, Phrases, and Proverbs Traced to Their Sources in Ancient and Modern
Literature |
John Bartlett |
Brown and Company ,Boston |
72215 |
080 BAR-F |
Harmony in science |
Sadhu Ittyavirah |
Schweitzer institute of pryayer and
research, Kothamangalam |
72216 |
530 SAD-H |
Encyclopedia of computers |
Vikas Gupta |
Dreamtech Press India Ltd., New Delhi |
72217 |
Ultimate Family Visual Dictionary |
Dorling Kinderley Ltd, London |
Dorling Kinderley Ltd, London |
72218 |
R 423
Answer Book, 10001 Fast Facts About
our World |
National Geographic Society |
National Geographic Society , Wahington |
72219 |
R 910
Characters and commentaries |
Lytton Strachey |
Harcourt Brace & Company, New York |
72220 |
824.91 STR-C |
Poetry : Its Power and Wisdom: An
Introductory Study |
Francis X. Connolly |
Charles Scribner's Sons,New York |
72221 |
821.082 CON-P |
Advanced history of India |
Majumdar, R.C. ; H.C. Raychaudhuri and
Kalikinkar Datta, |
Macmillan & Co. Ltd., New Delhi |
72222 |
MAJ-A4 |
The Classical accounts of India :
being a compilation of the English translations |
Majumdar, R.C |
Firma K L Mukhopadhyay, Calcutta |
72223 |
934 MAJ-C |
2500 Years of Buddhism |
Bapat, P. V. |
Publication Division, Ministry of
Information and Broadcasting, India |
72224 |
294.3 BAP-T |
A Short History of the World Volume
II |
A. Z. Manfred |
Progress Publishers Moscow |
72225 |
909 MAN-S |
A History of India: From the Earliest
Times to the Present Day |
Michael Edwardes. |
Thames and Hudson, Great Britain |
72226 |
954 EDW-H |
Hindu Manners, Customs and Ceremonies |
Abbé J. A. Dubois. |
Oxford Clarendon Press, Oxford |
72227 |
294.53 DUB-H |
A Short History Of India And Pakistan
- From Ancient Times To Present |
T. Walter Wallbank |
Mentor Books,Newyork |
72228 |
The varieties of religious
experience;: a study in human nature; being the Gifford lectures on natural
religion delivered at Edinburgh in 1901-1902, |
William James |
Image Books, New York |
72229 |
201 JAM-V |
God and the Unconscious: An Encounter
Between Psychology and Religion |
Victor White |
Collins Fontana Books, New York |
72230 |
230 WHI-G |
Living Moments Of Sunshine |
J. Maurus |
Better Yourself Books, Mumbai |
72231 |
158.1 MAU-L |
Living Moments Of Suffering |
J. Maurus |
Better Yourself Books, Mumbai |
72232 |
158.1 MAU-L |
True Experiences in Communicating
with the Dead |
Martin Ebon |
Signet Mystic Book, New York |
72233 |
133.9 EBO-T |
Marriage and morals |
Bertrand Russell |
Unwin Books, London |
72234 |
173 RUS-M |
A Primer of Freudian Psychology |
Calvin S. Hall |
Mentor Books,Newyork |
72235 |
150.1952 HAL-P |
How to Develop Self-Confidence and
Influence People by Public Speaking |
Carnegie, Dale |
Pocket Books, New York |
72236 |
The quick and easy way to effective
speaking : modern techniques for dynamic communication. |
Dale Carnegie |
Pocket Books Inc., New York |
72237 |
The Pocket Book of Quotations: A
Collection of Favorite Quotations from Socrates to the Present Day. |
Henry Davidoff |
Pocket Books Inc., New York |
72238 |
080 DAV-P |
Great Ideas from the Great Books |
Mortimer J. Adler |
Washington Square Press, New York |
72239 |
Ten Great Stories |
Sasidharan K P |
Vani Educational Books, New Delhi |
72240 |
808.83 SAS-T |
First Christians: Pentecost and the
spread of Christianity |
Paul L. Maier |
Harper Row Publishers , New York |
72241 |
270.1 MAI-F |
Evangelization in India: A
Theological Analysis of the Missionary Role of the Syro-Malabar Church in the
Light of the Vatican II and Post-conciliar Documents |
Xavier Kochuparampil |
Oriental Institute of Religious Studies,
Kottayam |
72242 |
266.00954 XAV-E |
Asoka and the decline of the Mauryas |
Romila Thapar |
Oxford University Press, Bombay |
72243 |
934 THA-A |
Literary criticism: A short history |
Wimsatt, William K; Brooks, Cleanth |
Oxford & IBH Publishing Co., New Delhi |
72244 |
New Latin grammar |
Charles E Bennett |
Allyn and Bacon, New York |
72245 |
475 BEN-N |
The great controversy between Christ
and Satan : the lives and struggles of Christians through the ages- |
Ellen G. White |
Harvestime Books ,Altomont |
72246 |
286.7 WHI-G |
Linguistics and English Grammar |
Gleason , H. A. Jr. |
New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston, |
72247 |
425 GLE-L |
Difficult Problem in Chastity:
Masturbation |
Felix M. Podimattam |
St.Joseph Theological College Kotagiri |
72248 |
How to stop worrying and start living |
Carnegie, Dale |
Mahavir Book House, Mumbai |
72249 |
Own your own life |
Richard Gurley Abell and Corlis Wiber Abel |
David Mckay Company ,New York |
72250 |
616.8914 ABE-O |
In God's Underground : 14 Years
prisoner of the Communists |
Richard Wurmbrand; Charles Foley Ed. |
The Love in action society ,New Delhi |
72251 |
272.9 WUR-I |
Caste in the Catholic Community in
Kerala: A Study of Caste Elements in the Inter Rite Relationships of Syrians
and Latins. |
George Koilparampil |
Department of Sociology,University of Kerala |
72252 |
261.8345122095483 GEO-C |
Raja Ravi Varma - Monograph |
E M J Venniyoor |
Department of Museums and Zoos |
72253 |
Complete works of William Shakespeare |
Shakespeare, William |
Walter J. Black ,New York |
72254 |
Portuguese conversation grammar
(Method Gaspey-Otto-Sauer) |
Luise Ey |
Julius Groos,Heidelberg |
72255 |
469 EY-P |
History of the Tamils from the
earliest times to 600 A.D |
P. T. Srinivasa Iyengar |
Asian Educational Services, New Delhi |
72256 |
954.00494811 SRI-H |
Wage-labour and capital |
Karl Marx |
Progress Publishers, Moscow |
72257 |
331.214 MAR-W |
The Didache: The Epistle of Barnabus,
the Epistles and the Martyrdom of St. Polycarp, the Fragments of Papias, the
Epistle to Diogn (Ancient Christian Writers) |
Johannes Quasten ; Joseph C. Plumpe:ed. James A. Kleist
(Translator) |
Newman Press London |
72258 |
229.95 QUA-D |
Early Capuchin Mission in India |
Peter Celestine |
Capuchin Publications Sahibabad |
72259 |
271.36054 CEL-E |
India A World in Transition |
Beatrice Pitney Lamb |
Praeger Publishers, New York |
72260 |
954 LAM-I3 |
Western civilizations their history
and their culture Vol.1 |
Edward McNall Burns |
W W Norton & Co. Inc., New York |
72261 |
909.09821 BUR-W8.V1 |
A Brief History of the World Part-1 |
Velayudhan, P S |
S. Viswanathan Pvt Ltd |
72262 |
VEL-B.1 |
A Brief History of the World Part-2 |
Velayudhan, P S |
S. Viswanathan Pvt Ltd |
72263 |
VEL-B.2 |
A short guide to English style |
Alan Warner |
Oxford University Press, London |
72264 |
820.9 WAR-S |
Oral Exercises in English Composition |
John Nesfield |
Macmillan & Co ltd New York |
72265 |
428.2 NES-O |
Forgotten East: Mission liturgy and
spirituality of the eastern churches |
Abraham Mattam |
Ephrem's Publications |
72266 |
Lenin on language |
Vladimir Il'ich Lenin |
Raduga Publishers, Moscow |
72267 |
947.08410924 LEN-L |
Hobson-Jobson: A glossary of
colloquial Anglo-Indian words and phrases, and of kindred terms,
etymological, historical, geographical and discursive |
Yule, Henry ; A. C. Burnell |
John Murray ,Albemarle Street London |
72268 |
R427.954 YUL-H |
Cassell's Italian-English,
English-Italian dictionary |
Piero Rebora; Francis M. Guercio; Arthur L.
Hayward |
Cassell & Co Ltd , London |
72269 |
R 453.2 REB-C |
Collins Portuguese dictionary:
English-Portuguese, Portuguese-English |
John Whitlam; |
Harper Collins |
72270 |
R 469.321 WHI-C |
Ben Hur: A Tale of the Christ |
Lew Wallace |
Harper & Brother Publishers, New York |
72271 |
813.4 WAL-B |
New Dictionary of the Liturgy |
Gerhard Podhradsky. |
Geoffrey Chapman, London |
72272 |
264.003 POD-N |
Personal Names of Kerala Christians. |
A. M. Marykutty |
Indian Institute of Christian Studies |
72273 |
929.4095483 MAR-P |
Collins Cortina modern Greek in 20
lessons: Intended for private study and for use in schools, with a new system
of simplified phonetic pronunciation |
Pappageotes, George C. ; Emmanuel, Philip D. |
Collins & Co., Glasgow |
72274 |
489.382421 PAP-C |
British rule : Booklet |
Gladys D'Souza |
John Maliekal on behalf of CSA, at SIDMA
Press ,Madras |
72275 |
954.03 DSO-B |
The Penguin atlas of ancient history |
Colin McEvedy |
Pengin Books, London |
72276 |
911 MCE-P |
The Penguin atlas of medieval history |
Colin McEvedy |
Pengin Books, London |
72277 |
911 MCE-P |
The Freedom of Sexual Love |
Joseph Bird; Lois Bird |
Image Books, New York |
72278 |
301.426 BIR-F |
How to live 365 days a year |
Schindler, John A |
St. Paul Publications, Allahabad |
72279 |
Tales from Shakespeare |
Lamb, Charles; Lamb, Mary |
J M Dent & Sons Ltd, London |
72280 |
The Prince of India, Or, Why
Constantinople Fell |
Lew Wallace |
Grosset & Dunlap Publishers ,New York |
72281 |
813.4 WAL-P |
Quo Vadis: A Narrative of the Time of
Nero |
Henryk Sienkiewicz |
Little Brown & Company, Boston |
72282 |
891.8536 SIE-Q |
The Syro-Malankara church |
Cyril Malancharuvil |
Pontifical Institute of Theology &
Philosophy, Alwaye |
72283 |
281.5 CYR-S |
Shakespearean Tragedy |
Bradley, A C |
Macmillan & Co. Ltd., London |
72284 |
Ancient Egypt |
Stanley Casson |
Time Inc., New York |
72285 |
913.3203 CAS-A |
History of Christianity in India:
Source Materials. |
M.K. Kuriakose |
Senate of Serampore College by Christian
Literature Society, Madras |
72286 |
275.4 KUR-H |
Comparative grammar of the Dravidian
or south-Indian family of languages |
Caldwell, Robert |
University of Madras |
72287 |
Sangam Age |
N K Mangalamurugesan |
Thendral Pathipagam, Madras |
72288 |
954.82 MAN-S |
New Perspectives |
George Madathiparambil |
Jeevan Books, Bharananganam |
72289 |
270 GEO-N |
Teaching Of History |
Kochhar, S K |
Sterling publishers private limited, New
Delhi |
72290 |
A religious history of the American
people Vol.1 |
Sydney E. Ahlstrom |
Doubleday & Co., New York |
72291 |
277.3 AHL-R.V.1 |
A religious history of the American
people Vol.2 |
Sydney E. Ahlstrom |
Doubleday & Co., New York |
72292 |
277.3 AHL-R.V.2 |
Eastern Christianity in India: A
History of the Syro-Malabar Church from the Earliest Time to the Present Day |
Cardinal Eugene Tisserant |
Orient Longman, Madras |
72293 |
281.63 TIS-E |
Freedom at midnight |
Collins, Larry; Lapierre, Domonique |
Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi |
72294 |
Kerala State gazetteer, Volume 1
-Gazetteer of India |
Adoor K. K. Ramachandran Nair |
State Editor Kerala Gazetteers, Trivandrum |
72295 |
954.83 RAM-K.V.1 |
Kerala State gazetteer, Volume
II Part-1-Gazetteer of India |
Adoor K. K. Ramachandran Nair |
State Editor Kerala Gazetteers,Trivandrum |
72296 |
954.83 RAM-K.V.2-p.1 |
Anatomy of a murder |
Robert Traver |
St.Martins Press, New York |
72297 |
813.54 TRA-A |
The Moneyman |
Thomas B. Costain |
Doubleday & Co., New York |
72298 |
813.52 COS-M |
Mayor of casterbridge |
Hardy, Thomas |
Oxford University Press, New Delhi |
72299 |
Mother |
Gorky, Maxim |
Progress Publishers, Moscow |
72300 |
How the Steel was Tempered: A Novel
in Two Parts |
Nikolay Ostrovsky |
Progress Publishers, Moscow |
72301 |
891.734 OST-H |
Power of positive thinking |
Peale, Norman Vincent |
Prentice-Hall Inc., New York |
72302 |
Great Short Novels: An Anthology |
Edward Weeks |
Literary Guild of America, Inc.New York |
72303 |
813.08 WEE-G |
A Handbook on Palmistry |
L.R. Chawdhri |
Hindi Pocket Books Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi |
72304 |
133.6 CHA-H |
Marriage Is for Grownups: A Mature
Approach to Problems in Marriage |
Joseph Bird; Lois Bird |
Image Books, New York |
72305 |
301.42 BIR-M |
Love takes greatness |
Chuck Gallagher |
Image Books, New York |
72306 |
248.482 GAL-L |
Christian Life Patterns: The
Psychological Challenges and Religious Invitations of Adult Life |
Eaton Whitehead, Evelyn, Whitehead, James D. |
Image Books, New York |
72307 |
248.84 WHI-C |
Walden and civil disobedience |
Thoreau, Henry David |
Airmont Publishing Company, New York |
72308 |
Capital: A Critique of Political
Economy - Vol. I-Part I: The Process of Capitalist Production |
Karl Marx |
Progress Publishers, Moscow |
72309 |
335.41 MAR-C.V.1 |
Capital: A Critique of Political
Economy, Vol. II. The Process of Circulation of Capital |
Karl Marx |
Progress Publishers, Moscow |
72310 |
335.41 MAR-C.V.2 |
Capital: A Critique of Political
Economy, Vol. III. The Process of Capitalist Production as a Whole |
Karl Marx |
Progress Publishers, Moscow |
72311 |
335.41 MAR-C.V.3 |
The Plain Truth About Child Rearing |
Garner Ted Armstrong |
Ambassador College Press. |
72312 |
649.1 ARM-P |
Aging: The Fulfillment of Life |
Henri J. M. Nouwen; Walter J. Gaffney |
Image Books, New York |
72313 |
305.26 NOU-A |
Eros denied -Studies in exclusion 1 |
Wayland Young |
Corgi Books |
72314 |
392.6 YOU-E |
Making contact: A guide to overcoming
shyness, making new relationships, and keeping those you already have |
Arthur C Wassmer |
Dial Press,New York |
72315 |
158.2 WAS-M |
Shakespeare - The Tempest: Total
Study Edition |
Shakespeare, William; A E Augustine, Ed. |
Combined Publications Changanacherry |
72316 |
822.33 AUG-S |
Thirukural in Ancient Scripts |
Gift Siromoney; S. Govindraju; M.
Chandrasekaran |
Department of Statistics, Madras Christian
College, Tambaram |
72317 |
894.8111 SIR-T |
The Students English - Sanskrit
Dictionary |
Apte, Vaman Shivram |
Mothilal Banarsidas, Delhi |
72318 |
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