Resonance: Journal of Science Education

 Resonance: Journal of Science Education is a renowned monthly journal published by the Indian Academy of Sciences, also based in Bangalore. It is dedicated to enhancing science education at all levels, from school to university, and promoting the popularization of science among students and educators alike.

Resonance covers a wide range of topics in science, mathematics, and engineering, with a focus on providing insightful articles, teaching resources, and engaging content to foster a deeper understanding of these subjects.

For those interested in accessing the archives of Resonance, they are available online at This archive contains past issues of the journal, allowing readers to explore a wealth of scientific articles, educational materials, and resources dating back several years. The availability of archived content enables researchers, educators, and students to access valuable information for teaching, learning, and research purposes.

Book Review : Film School: A Practical Guide to an Impractical Decision by Jason Kohl

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