"Good Earth" is a classic novel written by Pearl S. Buck, first published in 1931. Set in pre-revolutionary China, it follows the life of Wang Lung, a poor farmer, as he navigates through the challenges of rural life, family dynamics, and societal changes. The story explores themes of land, wealth, power, and the cyclical nature of life. As Wang Lung rises from poverty to prosperity, he becomes increasingly disconnected from his roots and traditions. The novel provides a poignant commentary on human nature and the impact of societal forces on individual lives.
Golden Jubilee Memorial Library and Research Centre of Nirmala College Muvattupuzha,Kerala
The Central Library organized a book exhibition from January 15th to 18th, 2025, featuring a diverse collection of books on Science, Commerc...
E-helper MG University Previous Years Question Papers https://ehelper.netlify.app/
Nirmala College Magazine pdf Collection College Magazine Digitization By Documentation Section, Central Library, Nirmala College Muvatt...
A.L. Basham's "The Cultural History of India" is a monumental work that offers a comprehensive overview of India's rich a...